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About us

What is BAM?

The British Association of Monaco is registered in Monaco as an independent and charitable association.

"To provide a focus for British and Commonwealth citizens residing in Monaco and surrounding areas to meet socially, represent their views in the Principality and to provide a community support service for those in need."

The Association promotes and represents the British community within the Principality. In addition, the Association can help and support members in adapting to life in Monaco.

The Association holds no political or sectarian aim, is entirely self-funded, with no financial backing from any outside source other than a much appreciated Patron scheme, and is managed by an elected Committee.

British and Commonwealth citizens may become Full Members of the Association and are eligible to vote at general meetings. We also welcome other nationalities who are eligible for Associate Membership. These members enjoy all the privileges of full membership, but are not eligible to vote at general meetings.

Our History

The British Association of Monaco (BAM) was founded in 1935, and at the Committee meeting of 14th January, 1936, the Chairman announced that the Government of the Principality had authorised the formation of the Association and approved the Statutes.

The Statutes have since been revised a number of times, and today, BAM is a Monaco Association under the authority of Law N° 1.355 dated 23rd December 2008. Its current Statutes were registered under Arrêté Ministériel 2002-335.

As with other similar Associations, BAM's fortunes have risen and fallen over time. During the difficult war years, it made representations to the Consular community and to the Princely Government on behalf of the British residents, although there is a gap in the records from 1941 to 1945. It is clear, though, that the association continued quietly to help those in need in any way possible.

A Community Support committee comprising of volunteers has been active from the earliest times. Originally called the Assistance Fund Sub-Committee it was formally recorded that "as a matter of principle the Relief Fund should not be used to assist gamblers!." Today's Community Support Team maintains the same standards of confidentiality as then, and implements a formal procedure for assessing every case.

The profile of BAM members and the image of the Association have evolved over the years. Today BAM has more members, from a wider range of ages and lifestyles, than ever before, and the Social Events programmes reflect this change, in the variety and number of activities undertaken. The Events Team 'dry run' all proposed activities to ensure all events run smoothly.

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The Role of BAM

The British Association of Monaco provides a focus as a useful and lively part of the Anglophone community around Monaco and the surrounding areas. The Association arranges regular monthly events, where members can meet other English speakers.

Drinks Evenings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at different locations around the Principality at which members and friends can socialize and meet new people.

Other events, illustrated talks, dinners, guided tours and museum visits are organised throughout the year. BAM will celebrate the King’s birthday each year in June, which is the only official British event in Monaco.

Through its Community Support Team, the Association provides an essential voluntary service to help its members in need. The Community Support work is supported by fund-raising events, members' donations and the Patrons' Scheme.

BAM can also help new arrivals to the area to settle down quickly into the local life, meet other people and share a rich variety of resources and information.

A monthly newsletter, BAM News, provides regular updates of local activities, resources and events. It includes articles on past BAM events and details of forthcoming events, as well as a wide range of information about what is happening in the region generally.

The voluntary Committee is elected annually by members to take care of the day to day running of the Association. The Committee and sub-committees work to cement ties with the Principality and its administrative bodies.

General Enquiries:

+33 6 80 86 72 90

Community Support:

+33 6 60 21 63 99

BAM BP 41 MC 98001 Monaco Cedex

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